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Weather in Alfter (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1901 Click here to vote for this order / 2408 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 17.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Amberg (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 2106 Click here to vote for this order / 2542 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 27
Order from: 17.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Aschaffenburg (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1840 Click here to vote for this order / 2404 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 07.08.2015
Occasion for order: Private function
Order Remarks: Die richtige Temperatur zum Polo spielen

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Weather in Assenheim Bei Grünstadt (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1856 Click here to vote for this order / 2410 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 24
Order from: 04.08.2015
Occasion for order: Public Event
Order Remarks: Es gibt dort eine Linedance Party bei der mein Schwiegersohn mittanzt. Da es im Freien statt findet brauchen wir tocknes, schönes Wetter

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Weather in Bad Honnef (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1877 Click here to vote for this order / 2340 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 03.08.2015
Occasion for order: Private function

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Weather in Berlin (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1809 Click here to vote for this order / 2357 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 26
Order from: 29.07.2015
Occasion for order: Private function
Order Remarks: Falls es nicht ganz ohne Regen geht, dann diesen bitte nicht zwischen 12 und 23 Uhr. Temperaturen zwischen 21 und 26 Grad Celsius sind auch noch im Bereich.

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Weather in Bottrop (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1972 Click here to vote for this order / 2452 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 21.06.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Brühl (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1701 Click here to vote for this order / 2543 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 28.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Für die Hochzeitsfeier wünschen wir dem Brautpaar und allen Gästen wunderschönes Sommerwetter ohne Niederschlag!

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Weather in Coburg (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1985 Click here to vote for this order / 2396 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 21
Order from: 21.05.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Ich wünsche mir zur Hochzeit meins Sohnes Thomas das gleiche wunderbare Sommerwetter, das sein Zwillingsbruder Alexander im letzten Jahr hatte. Ich hoffe sehr, dass mein Wunsch auch diesmal in Erfüllung geht!

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ich Feier meinen 40er...und hoffe Sonne pur kommt daher....denn es soll sein ein super tag den au jeder mag

Written by Roland, on 14.06.2015

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Weather in Dillingen Saar (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1898 Click here to vote for this order / 2401 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 15.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Düsseldorf (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1867 Click here to vote for this order / 2354 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 28.07.2015
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: Wir wünschen Dir alles Liebe und Gute zu Deinem Geburtstag!!!

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Weather in Eberswalde (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1914 Click here to vote for this order / 2325 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 27.07.2015
Occasion for order: Private function

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Weather in Erbach (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1688 Click here to vote for this order / 2281 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 27.07.2015
Occasion for order: Birthday

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Das hat prima geklappt. Vielleicht ein paar Grad wrmer, sonst o.k.

Written by Willi Strhle, on 12.08.2015

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Weather in Essen (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1888 Click here to vote for this order / 2221 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 12.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Grabo (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1708 Click here to vote for this order / 2274 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 26.07.2015
Occasion for order: Concert
Order Remarks: Bitte eine warme Nacht ohne Gewitter.

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Weather in Halberstadt (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1963 Click here to vote for this order / 2389 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 27.07.2015
Occasion for order: Excursion
Order Remarks: Ausflug mit Freunden in den Harz

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Weather in Hattenhausen (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1656 Click here to vote for this order / 2121 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 19.07.2015
Occasion for order: Birthday

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Weather in Herford (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1565 Click here to vote for this order / 2095 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Cloudy sky
Precipitation: A bit of rain
Wind: Drafty wind
Temperature: 21
Order from: 31.07.2015
Occasion for order: Private function

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Weather in Karlsruhe (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1810 Click here to vote for this order / 2145 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 27.07.2015

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Weather in Koblenz (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1446 Click here to vote for this order / 2086 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 24
Order from: 31.07.2015
Occasion for order: Private function
Order Remarks: Für die Gastgeberin wären wahrscheinlich 12 Grad C angenehmer, aber die Gäste sind schließlich schon etwas älter!

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Weather in Kronenburg (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1650 Click here to vote for this order / 2009 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 07.08.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in LepAhn (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1476 Click here to vote for this order / 1892 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 06.08.2015
Occasion for order: Private function

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Weather in Maintal-Dörnigheim (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1373 Click here to vote for this order / 2076 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 27.07.2015
Occasion for order: Private function
Order Remarks: Wir wollen mit unserem Verein unser jährliches Gartenfest starten.

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Weather in Mainz (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1461 Click here to vote for this order / 1804 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 05.08.2015
Occasion for order: Excursion
Order Remarks: Wir möchten eine Oldie Rallye mitfahren und die alten schönen Schmuckstücke vertragen den Regen nicht so gut.

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Weather in Mainz Budenheim (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1504 Click here to vote for this order / 1986 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 24
Order from: 27.07.2015
Occasion for order: Excursion
Order Remarks: Wir wollen an einer Oldie Ralley teilnehmen und die antiken Fuhrwerke vertragen die freundliche Sonne besser.

Comments for this order

Ja Halli Hallo! Das ist wohl dieselbe Veranstaltung! Dann kann nichts mehr schief gehen!

Written by MekkiS, on 05.08.2015

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Weather in Mannheim (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1597 Click here to vote for this order / 2017 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 31.03.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Wir feiern unsere Hochzeit, wenn möglich im Freien und wünschen uns einen tollen Sommertag, der trotzdem nicht zu heiß wird!

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Weather in München (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1497 Click here to vote for this order / 2168 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Autumnal sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 20
Order from: 14.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Neckarsteinach (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1497 Click here to vote for this order / 2162 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 29.06.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Für das tolle Hochzeitspaar!

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Weather in Nürnberg (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1626 Click here to vote for this order / 1976 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 15.05.2015
Occasion for order: Private function

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Weather in Ostermoordorf (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1455 Click here to vote for this order / 1898 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 29.07.2015
Occasion for order: Holidays

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Weather in Perl (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1485 Click here to vote for this order / 1788 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 27
Order from: 03.08.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Poppenhausen-Gackenhof (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1585 Click here to vote for this order / 1998 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 27.07.2015
Occasion for order: Birthday

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Weather in Ratingen (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1573 Click here to vote for this order / 1901 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 26
Order from: 05.08.2015
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: Mädelsbrunch im Garten

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Weather in Rauen (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1694 Click here to vote for this order / 2001 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 24.06.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Rheingau (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1380 Click here to vote for this order / 1904 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 28
Order from: 17.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Rheinhessen (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1533 Click here to vote for this order / 1946 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 27.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Hallo Simone, ich hoffe, der Polterabend war so schön, wie die Hochzeit wird! Damit nicht wieder ein Gewitter o.ä. dazwischen kommt, habe ich auf diesem Weg Euch das beste Wetter bestellt! Alles Gute! Viele Grüße Folkert

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Weather in Rostocker Wulfshagen (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1460 Click here to vote for this order / 1887 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 22
Order from: 21.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Ich wünsche meinem Sohn und seiner wunderbaren Freundin einen zauberhaften Hochzeitstag

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Weather in Solingen (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1360 Click here to vote for this order / 1940 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 27.07.2015
Occasion for order: Private function
Order Remarks: Bitte Bitte, Sahneschnitte

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Weather in Stadecken-Elsheim (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1743 Click here to vote for this order / 1839 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 14.06.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Stolberg (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1471 Click here to vote for this order / 1905 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 28
Order from: 09.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Wir brauchen für unsere Gartenhochzeit gutes Wetter!!!

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Weather in Stuttgart (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1799 Click here to vote for this order / 1531 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 22.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Wetzlar (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1298 Click here to vote for this order / 1485 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 27
Order from: 27.07.2015
Occasion for order: Private function
Order Remarks: Ich habe nette Leute zu einer Grillfeier im Freien eingeladen, da ich endlich meinen langersehnten Jahresurlaub habe.

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Weather in Willingen (Germany) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1404 Click here to vote for this order / 1600 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 27
Order from: 03.08.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Ramsau Am Dachstein (Austria) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1440 Click here to vote for this order / 1437 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 22.07.2015
Occasion for order: Private function

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Weather in Schladming (Austria) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1360 Click here to vote for this order / 1498 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 05.08.2015
Occasion for order: Excursion

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Weather in Schladmingen (Austria) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1264 Click here to vote for this order / 1462 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 27.07.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: mit den besten Wünschen Manuela Richeson

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Weather in Burgäschi (Switzerland) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1430 Click here to vote for this order / 1456 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 23
Order from: 30.01.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Unser grosser Tag, Trauung und Apero im Freien. Dafür wünschen wir uns angenehmen Sonnenschein, keine brenntende Hitze und natürlich keinen Regen. Drückt uns die Daumen.

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Weather in Gelfingen (Switzerland) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1493 Click here to vote for this order / 1543 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 23.04.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Kandersteg (Switzerland) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1390 Click here to vote for this order / 1441 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 20
Order from: 07.08.2015
Occasion for order: Excursion

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Weather in Oberentfelden (Switzerland) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1415 Click here to vote for this order / 1586 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 23.04.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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Weather in Triengen (Switzerland) at Sat, 08.08.2015

Ratings for this order: 1436 Click here to vote for this order / 1430 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 23.04.2015
Occasion for order: Wedding

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